
Playkit Education Framework

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A toolkit that enables rapid development of interactive experiences

The demos shown on this page vary in the style of artwork from the jungle game designed for young children to the physics puzzle inspired by Piet Mondrian

The demos were designed to be playable by users of varying ability, including those with disabilities, so that in addition to the full body control the PlayKit enables users to interact with eye movement and sound

PlayKit supports inputs from cameras, eye tracking, touch, sounds and speech and outputs to video, lighting and audio

Camera-based control enables users to directly control CG avatars with their bodies, or alternatively displays a live feed of uses 'green-screen' style into the CG scenes

Interactive experiences are then constructed using a system of triggers and physics simulation either via simple JSON data or using an extension of the Unity engine

Demo apps developed range from 3D physics games using avatars and voice control to simple multiple choice quizes

In order to future proof PlayKit we developed an abstracted layer so the new depth camera can be supported without requiring re-compilation of applications

The system was developed for SensoryGuru who develop products for the hundreds of SEN schools where interactive and multisensory experiences help thousands of children with autism and other needs

The project was completed in 4 months

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If you want this or to collaborate with us to build your own interactive software, drop us a line at hello@seeper.com 

